
Who we are

The address of our website is: https://tecuri.com.

Data protection information

Responsible body in the sense of the data protection laws is:

tecuri GmbH – Prenzlauer Allee 186, 10405 Berlin, Germany.


When you access our website, general information is collected. This is necessary for this page to be displayed. This includes log files of the server, which web browser and operating system is used, the name of your internet provider and similar. For our part, no conclusions can be drawn about your person, so that you remain in the background. Also, no access information is statistically evaluated and we do not use any analysis tools.

You have probably seen the „https“ in front of the link in your browser. This shows you that we have implemented security measures and use encryption procedures. It’s all about improvement, optimisation and keeping up with the state of the art.


We do not use cookies or similar technologies.


The data collected on this website is not traceable to the visitor.

As soon as we communicate with each other via telephone, video call, SMS, email, chat or even in person, there is an obligation to inform about the purpose of the data storage according to the GDPR. We want to establish a business relationship with you, offer you services and sell products or services. To do this, we document interactions and things that are important for doing our job. Data that we no longer need is deleted unless there is a retention period that would prevent this.

Social media icons

The icons are not loaded by the social media providers and therefore no data is forwarded by our website visitors while they are on our pages. We also use the Shariff plug-in to prevent a connection here.

Your rights

Data avoidance and data economy is on our daily agenda. Data needs a safe place and we take good care of it. We only store the information from you that we need for an order, for example.

You can ask us what we know about you and request that it be deleted if there are no other reasons for not doing so.


We have entered into contract data processing agreements with service providers who provide us with communication services and technology (e.g. email, telecommunications, website). These are providers such as Alphabet (Google), AWS (Amazon), Teams & Office (Microsoft), goneo.de (hosting) .

Data Protection Officer

Mr. Reinhard Melzer